Saturday, July 27, 2019

A First Novel Completed~

First of all, welcome! This is my first post here (though I use to be active in blogging years ago!) For those who don't know me- and even those of you who do- this is sort of my back story leading up to my first finished novel. This book (working title: The Sentimental Journey) is still in progress towards publication and I will be giving updates as the launching becomes closer!

When I was in first grade, I remember I would fold up pieces of paper and turn them into little books. I'd print  my title in my first grade style of scraggly letters, along with a picture I drew on the "cover" and write my simple little story with illustrations inside. (I actually still have one of these "books" that I made at age seven!)
All through my growing up years, I kept on writing...I always wanted to write an entire book some day but inevitably, part way through whatever countless story I was working on, I'd give up...get a new idea...get distracted...and never complete it.
The same thing continued through my twenties.

I eventually met and married the love of my life and.had two wonderful children. During this time, I worked odd jobs and began home schooling. This more or less took up most of my time and energy... but I began blogging which was a huge outlet for my writing for the time being.It wasn't fiction, but it was still an outlet.

I even submitted an article to Home School Enrichment magazine one year and it was published- and I saw my name in print! It was quite a heady experience, and I could hardly believe it was true. Again, it wasn't fiction but it was a start.
But life became busy again and writing was put on a back burner.

Fast forward to now....well, about three or four years or so ago. 
I thought, just for fun, I'd start a story, strictly for practice, since it had been a while.. My heart was always in story-telling and I had an idea that I wanted to explore. So, I just started writing... just the beginning of a story. All about a girl who is taken back in time to one of my favorite eras- WWII.

 But again, life became busy and distracting. I was still home schooling- now high school- agonizing over algebra problems with my teenagers (and as is the case with many writers- math is not exactly my best subject!)
During these past few years, I was also teaching occasional classes at our co-op, facilitating a writing class in my home, working as a part time nanny for the neighbor, parent committees through the kids' involvement in theater, lots of chauffeuring... ect. ect... you get the picture! Busy and distracted. Just like so many of us are!

But also, during those years, I was taking care of my sweet mom. She lived for a while in our home before eventually moving into in an adult foster care home. Her health was failing and though she wasn't in my own care the last year or so, there was a "heart pull". My heart and mind were always pulled in her direction...wondering if she was alright...worrying that I wasn't visiting her enough...

Along with reading books to her, I'd read her the story I was working on. The story I kept starting...pausing...going back and writing a little more....sometimes nearly forgetting about for up to months at a time...
I'd read those first few chapters of the unpolished draft to my mom who couldn't see to read anymore.
She also had memory issues, yet she'd react or make comments in all the right places, occasionally remarking, "Is this your own story? I wasn't sure if it was a book you were reading's so good..." Even in her last years, she was still being my supportive mom.

When she passed away less than two years ago, there was an intense time of grieving for me.
And then...over the next year, I picked up my story again...still slowly...

Until finally- this year..I was determined. Maybe I became all too aware of mortality and the ticking of time... And I really feel it was God putting this desire in me to finish telling this story. To complete it.

And here's the amazing part...I did!!! I finally did! It took that little girl I use to be nearly a half century, but I finally completed a novel.

Now, as the home schooling season of my life is soon coming to a close, I'm excited to see where this new season takes me!
And I hope this first book is just the beginning. 



 For All We Know , Novella #2 of the Landers Town series is here! You can grab it for just .99 CENTS for a limited time!    Sometimes the ...