Saturday, September 14, 2019

Story Update- and Excerpt!


I mentioned earlier that I was going to post an excerpt from my story, so as promised, I'll finally do that in just a moment!

First, a little update on the book...and life, in general:

We spent a beautiful Labor Day weekend at our favorite Christian retreat...followed by just my husband and I camping one night next to a lake on Mt. Hood. Absolutely wonderful and I was thankful to say so long to summer this way.

As for writing...I'm finishing the last of my final edits and think I'm about finally done!
My concentration is now turning toward my cover.
I'll keep you posted! 

Now, I leave you with a photo taken of our lake on Mt. Hood... Along with a tiny, little sneak preview of The Sentimental Journey, as promised! 

My goal is to have this first book published very soon now- maybe even before Christmas, if all goes well!
So, without further ado...


"Kara remained as if as if frozen but her thoughts frantically raced, even as the sounds around her held a sort of tranquility. She began to wonder if she had just experienced a strange fainting spell, those extreme kinds that she had heard about, complete with spinning and vertigo. After a few moments, Kara slowly stood- all the time bracing herself as if she could topple at any second. Or else the world around her would. 

With tentative movements, she made her way over to the staircase. All the while, her thoughts tried to make some sort of sense about what was happening. How could morning sunlight be streaming in? 

She realized she must have passed out for some reason and what had seemed like just seconds, was in reality hours. Night had come and gone. She hoped there was nothing seriously wrong with her but she realized she’d better make an appointment just in case.

But who had come into her home uninvited? As she descended the narrow staircase, Kara could hear voices chattering away in the kitchen. At first, she thought it must be from outside. But as she approached the door to the kitchen, they became clearer."


 For All We Know , Novella #2 of the Landers Town series is here! You can grab it for just .99 CENTS for a limited time!    Sometimes the ...