Saturday, December 19, 2020


 For All We Know, Novella #2 of the Landers Town series is here!

You can grab it for just .99 CENTS for a limited time! 


Sometimes the simplest choices can seem daunting…

 Tessa Parker never liked making decisions, especially about her future. Now after finishing her first teaching job in Idaho, she must decide if she should stay or return to her hometown of Landers, Oregon. Any hope for romance with fellow teacher, Jeffery Miles, is quickly fading as she prepares to head home for the summer.

Before leaving, however, Tessa meets Brandon Keller and feels an instant connection with the strong, tenderhearted stranger. When an emergency brings Brandon to Oregon as well, she wonders if their new friendship might blossom into something more. Will the renewed pursuit from Tessa’s former crush, Jeffery, tangle her life even further?


Friday, December 11, 2020

Coming this Monday, December 14th.... 


The release of Book Two of the Landers Town Romance series (Christian romance novellas)




In the meantime, you can pick up Book 1, Among my Souvenirs on Kindle now!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Hello everyone! I have neglected my website much too much, and hope to be posting a lot more regularly in the days to come! For now, though, just a quick and exciting update:

Book 2 in the Landers Town Romance series is about to launch very soon! Look for the exact date in the days to come, but I can safely say that it's less than two weeks away!

If you've read Book 1, Among my Souvenirs, any guesses as which friend Book 2 is about?

Speaking of Among my Souvenirs, it's currently on sale through today (11\30) for just .99 cents on Kindle! You can pick it up here: my Souvenirs

I wish you all God's peace in the midst of a crazy world as we enter this season of Advent. His peace passes understanding and goes beyond circumstances.

More very soon...



Saturday, October 5, 2019

               Now available! My debut novel...




             The Sentimental Journey


Saturday, September 14, 2019

Story Update- and Excerpt!


I mentioned earlier that I was going to post an excerpt from my story, so as promised, I'll finally do that in just a moment!

First, a little update on the book...and life, in general:

We spent a beautiful Labor Day weekend at our favorite Christian retreat...followed by just my husband and I camping one night next to a lake on Mt. Hood. Absolutely wonderful and I was thankful to say so long to summer this way.

As for writing...I'm finishing the last of my final edits and think I'm about finally done!
My concentration is now turning toward my cover.
I'll keep you posted! 

Now, I leave you with a photo taken of our lake on Mt. Hood... Along with a tiny, little sneak preview of The Sentimental Journey, as promised! 

My goal is to have this first book published very soon now- maybe even before Christmas, if all goes well!
So, without further ado...


"Kara remained as if as if frozen but her thoughts frantically raced, even as the sounds around her held a sort of tranquility. She began to wonder if she had just experienced a strange fainting spell, those extreme kinds that she had heard about, complete with spinning and vertigo. After a few moments, Kara slowly stood- all the time bracing herself as if she could topple at any second. Or else the world around her would. 

With tentative movements, she made her way over to the staircase. All the while, her thoughts tried to make some sort of sense about what was happening. How could morning sunlight be streaming in? 

She realized she must have passed out for some reason and what had seemed like just seconds, was in reality hours. Night had come and gone. She hoped there was nothing seriously wrong with her but she realized she’d better make an appointment just in case.

But who had come into her home uninvited? As she descended the narrow staircase, Kara could hear voices chattering away in the kitchen. At first, she thought it must be from outside. But as she approached the door to the kitchen, they became clearer."

Saturday, August 24, 2019

End of Summer



These last August days can be a mixture of warm, lazy hours spent in a mourning the end of this more carefree looking forward to some of the new things ahead. I've experienced all of these emotions and more!

A part of me doesn't want to say good-bye to the languid season of summer and there's a small part of me that even looks ahead at my busy schedule this fall with a bit of dread. 
But just a little...mostly, I think it will be good. Lots of driving long distances to a new theater group for my daughter and being a part of a parent committee, teaching a class (along with preparing for it) at the co op where my youngest will be a senior. 

Wait- a senior? That means, also preparing for graduation and most of all for me personally- saying good-bye to 15 years of home schooling!!
 Can I just hide here in summertime just a little longer? 

 But on another note, it means finally realizing my dream to have a first-ever novel published. I'm waiting as beta reader responses continue to trickle in (most have had a busier summer than I think they expected) and next week, I'll probably be doing final edits on my own. (I may or may not hire a professional editor...still on the fence!) 
There's still the formatting to be done and the cover finished...before learning the ins and outs of publishing (most likely through Amazon). 
It's overwhelming, yet exciting! And I'll keep updating as everything comes together. 

 In these last summer days, I love taking my laptop out to the backyard to write the new book I've started, edit my finished one or simply read a book. And there's still one more short camping trip left and a weekend at the Christian Renewal Center to come. 

So for now, I'll leave you with a picture from the camping and road trip our whole family went on last week to southern Oregon. It was an amazing trip through Wildlife Safari, dining at Wolf Creek Inn, exploring a pioneer museum and ending with a drive up the coast and beautiful Yachats Beach. So excuse me as I finish squeezing out the last drops of summer. 

 (What about you? What has been your favorite things you've done this summer?) 


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Book Update  

I hope you all have been enjoying the summer! 

Our family took an adventurous trip to Canada in July (that deserves a post all its own!) and I've been enjoying bike rides and backyard reading in the shade. Oh...and writing!

As far as my first book goes, I've been in a waiting period as I'll explain in just a minute. Because of the waiting, these past couple weeks I've been looking at book cover ideas and think I may have finally hit on the right idea. I'm enlisting my husband (who years ago majored in graphic design) to help me ready it for publication. We're really excited!

Meanwhile, I have beta readers diligently reading my draft. These are wonderful volunteers who take time to read the entire story for me from start to finish. 
For anyone who is curious, this time when the book is in their hands is kind of a strange waiting period for the writer. They have several weeks to finish reading and then answer feedback questions. 
Ideally, they will catch possible inconsistencies and perhaps point out weak spots. This is supposedly a good thing...;) but it can be a little nerve-wracking and a very vulnerable process! 
While I've been waiting, I wrote a dedication of sorts, along with a page of author's final thoughts to be read after the story and epilogue. It's all beginning to seem a little more real!
But then... there's still the waiting...
So... after a while...I started a new story! 
(Hint: The main character is a featured character in my first book.)
If you write also, tell me in the comments what you've been working on!

Next post: 

I'll be sharing a small portion from The Sentimental Journey
I hope you'll join me!


 For All We Know , Novella #2 of the Landers Town series is here! You can grab it for just .99 CENTS for a limited time!    Sometimes the ...